Feedback that makes me warm and happy.
Since a few months, I’m working with Koen Vandermeersch on an endeavor to build new products based on all the data he collected in The Global OTR Library. Koen has decades of experience in OTR tyres - a niche that I didn’t even know existed, let alone I knew something about. Koen is an absolute expert in this world.
Koen is working with an agency to make all his decisions reality – and together with Maarten Laruelle we help him to make these decisions. Out of the blue, Koen sent me the message below. It lifts my spirits to feel that I can contribute something meaningful to this venture.
If you’re experiencing the same – if you feel that you’re not quite certain on where to go with your tech team – don’t hesitate to reach out!
Thanks for this – and for [our meeting] yesterday!
Since you joined us I’ve got the feeling that we’re really making progress. Something I was lacking because of my limited insights and knowledge in the IT world. The strong feeling that I was treading water because I didn’t know which direction to take.”